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How to Help

Meaningful Life International is very excited and ready to partner with you. There are many ways in which you can support us to minister the gospel of Jesus to the thousands of unreached rural communities in Ghana.


Meaningful Life International covets your prayers and is sustained by your prayers. “The prayers of the righteous avail much.” Traditional religious practice in Ghana include ancestral worship, a belief that inanimate objects such as rocks, trees and rivers are the abodes of gods, and the practice of animal sacrifices to these gods. There are many Islamic communities that the Gospel of Jesus Christ has not reached. Please pray that God will open their eyes to HIS truth and turn their hearts of stone into hearts of flesh for his namesake. Pray that God will provide MLI with the provisions, resources and materials to open more doors for us to touch the lives of the lost for Jesus Christ. We are praying for you that God will bless you beyond your imagination so that you may give beyond your heart’s desire.


Today in the country of Ghana there is only one medical doctor for every 17,000 of her citizens. This simple fact has a significant impact on those living in the rural areas. With a population of almost 25 million, roughly 70 – 75% live in rural communities as subsidiary farmers or fishermen. Individuals born in such villages will live their entire life without having the right or access to medical care.

The government runs the healthcare system and has five levels of providers: health posts which are first level primary care for rural areas, health centers and clinics, district hospitals, regional hospitals and tertiary hospitals. Urban centers are well served, and contain the majority of hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies in the country. However, rural areas often have no modern health care. Patients in these areas either rely on traditional African medicine, or travel great distances for care if they can afford the cost.

Donate to support the completion of our missions clinic.


Your financial donation of $30 a month will sponsor the cost of hiring a water drilling truck (rig) and laborers to drill fresh water wells (usually over 200 feet deep for) deprived communities in rural Ghana. Your donation towards this project will fund a scientific geological survey to find the best underground water site, hygiene education for the community, training of village residents in the regular maintenance of the well and periodic workshops for the financial committees set up by the community to manage the well. The total cost of a water well for one deprived community in Ghana is $10,000.


By partnering with MLI with a donation of $20 a month, we will be able to buy medication and also sponsor medical professionals to go to these deprived rural communities to offer them free medical treatment. You will be helping MLI to drastically reduce about 65% of the health related fatalities (including birth fatalities) in rural villages that have no access to medical facilities.

Already, a noticeable difference can be seen by even the untrained eye in the overall impact of our medical outreaches with regards to the health of residents or rural communities we have ministered in.

On the average, medication is currently running $3.00 per person and malaria treated mosquito nets are currently running $6.00 per person. An intensive medical outreach to one rural community costs $2,500.


Meaningful Life International looks forward with great anticipation to the arrival of summer teams. The impact of summer teams on the mission’s field is life changing and eternally. MLI loves to partner with teams from all over the world who desire to come to Ghana and share the love of Jesus Christ on short term mission trips. Summer teams can participate in the specific projects and or partner with us in Children’s Ministry, Bible Quiz, Orphanage, Special Need Ministries, Preaching in the Villages, Christian Radio Ministry, Jesus Film and much more.

Sign up for our Summer Team Program today at and receive a welcome packet.

Summer Teams will have the amazing opportunity to partner with us in the following M.L.I mission programs: